
PAF Skyview Golf & Country Club to Host Tournament

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The 39th edition of Punjab Open Golf Tournament is scheduled to be held from September 24th till 27th at PAF Skyview Golf & Country Club, Lahore.

The 39th edition of Punjab Open Golf Tournament will see several talented and skilled professional golfers who will compete against each other with all their might so as to emerge winners in their respective categories of this prestigious golf event.

The event is scheduled to be held from September 24th till 27th at PAF Skyview Golf & Cluntry Club, Lahore.

Scoring will be powered by Gem Golfers with Live leaderboard available both in Gem Golfers App and on Web.

The championship is supported and endorsed by JS Bank and Malmo Foods. The 4-days long championship will be governed by the rules of golf at approved by the Royal and Ancient golf club of St. Andrews and the local club rules.

.The first day is earmarked for Senior Professional, over 50 years of age, and the junior Professionals, less than 21 years of age will fight it out for a much sought after place amongst the top performers.

From Friday(25th September) the championship will be taken over by the professional golfers of Pakistan who will become a part of the prestigious encounter for lucrative prize money of Two million rupees and their competition will be over three days, Friday to Sunday.

Along with the professionals,also there will be the leading amateurs and while professional golfers participate for prize money and financial stakes ,the amateurs only seek honors.

In addition to the prize money of two million rupees for professionals, 2.1 million for senior professionals and 2.1 million for junior professionals the big attraction is the Brand new Car for a hole in one.
